Donnerstag, 10. April 2014

Sesselchen für die Babys

Damit sie nicht immer nur auf dem Boden sitzen müssen, haben unsere Babys Sesselchen bekommen. Zuerst versuchte ich sie auf Stühlchen zu setzen, das war aber für die Babys sehr unbequem. Da hatte ich die Idee mit den Sesselchen. Unsere Kinder hatten auch solche Holz-Sessel, als sie klein waren. Sie sind stabil und können auch als Tischchen verwendet werden. 

Moni Visel von der Puppenmöbel-Werkstatt Moni-FAKTUR hat die Multifunktionsmöbel hergestellt. Die Sesselchen sind aus massivem Fichtenholz mit Holzdübeln und ohne Nägel oder Schrauben montiert. Sicher gibt es noch viele Möglichkeiten, wie die Babys die Sesselchen besitzen und bespielen können. Zum Glück haben die Sasha Knirpse gekrümmte Beinchen. So können sie es sich in den Sesselchen richtig bequem machen.

14 Kommentare:

  1. I gave my daughter a chair on very similar lines for her first Christmas present and it has been in use ever since for one thing or another.
    I agree that these are just perfect for your three little tots playing here. In fact I'm quite envious and would love to buy one for my babies to share but guess that they would be too heavy and therefore too expensive for posting out tomthe UK.

    Love the little hats that they are wearing! Makes them look even cuter!

    1. Thank you very much for the comment, Kendal. The chair isn't heavy and it isn't expensive too. My numerous babies always are wearing with hats. It is a necessity for my babies - no baby without hat:))
      Best wishes!

    2. Please could you send me the link to these super little chairs as if they aren't too heavy or expensive I'd love to try to buy one? Many thanks if you can.

    3. On the right side you see the linkliste. Please, click "Monifaktur Puppenmöbel". I'm glad that I was able to help you.

  2. Your photos are gorgeous as usual Barbara, I love how bright they always look. I think the babies look incredibly cute with their little chairs, having somewhere nice for them to sit and be safe, is very important!! My baby remains nakid and sitting on a shelf....I'm such a bad mother!!! ;)

    1. Thank you for the comment, Sharon. Your baby remains nakid and sitting on a shelf? That's a sorry state of affairs! I offer you my help and I coddle your baby all day:)
      You have a lot of work with the different dolls. And any doll demand attention, you are a forceful mother:))

    2. I do feel bad about him Barbara, he is wearing socks.....if that is any consolation!!! I just have so many outfits to make at the moment that he is neglected. I just hope that the dolly social services don't knock on my front door to have him taken into care!!! ;) I promise though that one day he will have some clothes of his own to wear!!!!

    3. Do you know the Sashapotamus Etsy Shop, Sharon? There are nice baby Onesies. This would be perfect for your baby boy living in Spain with the hot weather:)

  3. Barbara your pictures are lovely.
    I am a good friend of Kendals and she sent me the link to your blog. Keep those pictures coming!! I also have Chihuahuas and used to have a poodle. They are very loyal dogs. I ned to get my dolls changed into new clothes too for the nice weather! Love Sarah xx

    1. Thank you very much for the comment, Sarah! I am glad that you like the blog and the pictures. Our poodle called "Bliss". He is a very gentle dog. I like Chihuahuas too:)) I'm pleased that you visited the blog and I hope that you come again.

  4. Liebe Barbara, die Fotos sind sehr herzig und die Babies perfekt angezogen - ich finde vor allem die Mütze mit der "Sonnenbrille" so witzig! :-)

    1. Ich mag Sasha Babies auch so gerne, Nadia. Oh ja die Mütze mit der Sonnenbrille ist speziell:) Danke für deinen Besuch:)

  5. Love these photo's of the babies and their new armchairs which look very good for sitting and playing :)

    1. Thank you Dee, I am glad that you like the armchairs:) This chairs are indeed perfekt for babies:)


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